Office Fit-out Design & Construction

The first impression your prospective clients get of you and your business, is your foyer and reception areas. First impressions count, and generally you only get one shot at it. Most importantly, you need 'your' image to be portrayed to your client, not your interior designer's image. The design must suite what you stand for and evoke reactions according to what you do and what you want your prospective clients to feel when they enter your environment. We pride ourselves in being able to provide the right message to your clients. This doesn't have to mean totally rebuilding your entire office to change the look of your existing premises.

Creating and providing the right environment in which your staff can thrive and be productive is vital. This is not just about the placement or layout of the office and how it all physically functions. It is essential to have the right colour scheme to create the right mood in the office. These two elements, the physical and emotional, working in tandem are what completes a truly 'great' design concept. If your staff are surrounded by colours that are drab and energetically draining, they will in turn feel that way. To the other extreme, if the colours are too aggressive or distracting, that too can affect them negatively. The right colours can assist in concentration, improve productivity and assist in the general positive feel of the working environment. Happier staff means fewer sick days, improved professional relationships, greater productivity and profitability for your business. The correct layout can also assist with the energy flow of the office and the comfort of the staff. Functionality and how the office operates most effectively is also a key component of the design layout.

Constructing and managing the fit-out is also an integral part of what we do at Renovation Excellence . We work with you to construct your office fit out around your active business considerately. All our tradesmen are trained to work around professionals in a considerate manner. Our presentation is important to us too!

We believe you will find our pricing very competitive and value for money.

Some of our clients have included:

  • Signature Security - Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Auckland & Christchurch
  • Nat West Bank Sydney
  • Boral Masonry
  • Building Services Corporation